Holidays in the Hospital

One of the hardest parts of staying at a hospital long-term can be having to spend the holidays away from our loved ones. Even though you may not be able to recreate every tradition or the heart-warming feeling of being at home, there are many things that you can do to bring joy to your family and make the most of the hard days in the hospital! 

Decorating Hospital Room

Decorate the Room - The best thing you can do during the holidays to get into the holiday spirit is to decorate your Tiny Hero's room or bed space. Signs, banners, a small Christmas tree or menorah, and even led fairy lights can bring so much holiday cheer! Also, hanging up siblings' artwork in the room can help them feel near, even if they are not allowed in the NICU. Holiday pictures of family members are great to hang up as well! If you have a window nearby, check Amazon or the Dollar Store for some festive holiday window decorations.

Dress for the Occasion - Whether your Tiny Hero is ready to wear clothes or not, you can get them dressed for the holiday! Socks, hats, blankets, holiday pajamas, or special dresses are the perfect way to feel more festive. If you can't put clothes on your child yet, you can often lay the clothes on top of them.

Holiday Music - Once the room is decorated for the holiday and you look the part, you can play seasonal music as a final touch! Your baby will love the tunes, and soon enough, it will start feeling like the holidays are here! Your child will feel your happiness in the room - so if it makes you happy, play it and sing along. Let your child enjoy your favorite traditions, even if they are a little different this year. 

Holiday Cards - Making cards for other CDH parents or children in the hospital is a great way to spend those long NICU days! Spreading holiday cheer and bringing smiles to others is such a special opportunity. If your child is older during their stay, they can help! Also, make yourself some cards to help remember their first holidays and all the progress they've made - footprints or handprints make amazing holiday cards for you to look back on years from now.

Holiday Books and Movies - Reading is one of the best things you can do to pass the time while in the hospital, and reading holiday books can make it even more special! You could even do a book advent in the hospital that counts down to Christmas or any holiday you choose. Holiday movies are also a great way to pass the time and get everyone into the holiday spirit! Especially if you can hold your child, snuggle up with a good holiday movie or book to make it feel like the holidays at home.

Holiday Crafts - Getting crafty is fun! Whether it is a fun footprint picture, an ornament craft for your newborn, or a craft kit for an older child, the options are endless. Ask the hospital's Child Life Specialist -- they may have crafts on the cart ready to go! Most of the time, they will even come to help you get the footprints or whatever you choose to do if you need an extra pair of hands. 

Holiday Meals - Many hospitals will provide holiday meals for their patients. However, you can always order in as well! Think about your favorite foods to eat for the holiday, your traditions, and bring them with you to the hospital. The possibilities are endless!

Spread Holiday Cheer - Being in the hospital for the holidays can be hard for everyone - the patients, the parents, and the staff. Consider bringing a sweet treat or small gift for those families you have bonded with and for the staff that left their families to care for yours! 

Open Presents in the Hospital - If you're in the hospital during a gift-giving holiday, bring the presents your family receives and open them in your child's room! You can even take some of that wrapping paper no longer in use and wrap the rails of your child's crib or make a collage on one of the walls. 

Have Santa Visit - Many hospitals will let you know when Santa visits so your kids get the chance to see him during Christmas. Make sure to ask early if they've made arrangements for him to drop by. If they don't, no worries! Have dad or grandpa dress up and make everyone smile! For older children, there are video chatting with Santa options that can be fun too. 

It is important to remember that being in the hospital does not mean all traditions need to be put on hold. Go ahead and make those memories! Whether it is hiding eggs in the room, painting pumpkins, doing Elf on a Shelf, or lighting a (battery operated) menorah - whatever traditions you want to do with your child at home, do them now in the hospital too. Just remember to have fun with it, and that might mean making new traditions. No matter what you decide, have fun making memories that will last a lifetime!


Tijmen (10) and His Friends Cycle for PlatformCHD


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