Pregnancy Linda George Pregnancy Linda George

Good to Come From Diagnosis

There's no doubt about it – a CDH diagnosis will change your life forever. It will be scary, emotional, overwhelming, and probably feel like a rollercoaster ride full of intense ups and downs at first. But through it emerges blessings you never expected and strength you never knew you had.

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Mommy Mommy

The Heart of Tiny Hero

And here we are seven years later. Life has "moved on," but the heart of Tiny Hero hasn't. We created Tiny Hero not only to share Adam's story but to support and celebrate you and your story. Though we may come from all parts of the world, there is one glue that will forever hold us together, and that is the common desire to fight for our Tiny Hero kids.

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The Continuing CDH Advocate

“Being an advocate” was something I had heard of, but it really didn’t mean much to me until I received our CDH diagnosis. I had mostly just heard of that phrase as it pertains to “patient advocacy” when I was going to nursing school many years earlier. I never guess that being an advocate would be a role I would take on in a new way, and become one of the many hats I now wear as a parent.

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