Pregnancy, Mommy Linda George Pregnancy, Mommy Linda George

CDH Preemies

In honor of World Prematurity Day and Prematurity Awareness Month, we celebrate all the amazing preemie Tiny Heroes and their strong families! Prematurity within the CDH community is not uncommon - you are not alone, and there is always hope out there. Although they may be tiny, they are some of the mightiest fighters! 

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Pregnancy Pregnancy

What to Pack for your CDH Stay

I’ve put together two lists of what to pack for the NICU. One list is the essentials for mom and dad, and the other list is for things that can help you make the very sterile medical environment a little homier and more personalized—ways to celebrate your little warrior.

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Pregnancy Pregnancy

How to Survive an Extended NICU Stay with a CDH Baby

We knew we would be looking at an extended NICU stay with our CDH baby. What we didn’t know is that we would spend 323 days in a hospital 623 miles away from our home. While this time was unexpected and quite possibly the hardest thing we’ve been through, we found ways each day to make the best of a tough situation.

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