CDH Stories
Teddy’s CDH Story
At 5 months on the dot (153 days approximately), Teddy came home with an NJ tube and no oxygen. Tiny Hero was a lifeline for me during our NICU stay, and I’m so happy to share our story to encourage other CDH families!
David’s CDH Story
I didn’t have time to research or prepare myself for David’s diagnosis. I left the NICU under the impression that he would be a “normal” baby. When I finally felt ready to learn more about what CDH truly is, I discovered Tiny Hero. While hearing others’ stories has been emotional, it has also provided me with comfort, knowing that I am not alone.
Ellie’s CDH Story
Going into my 20-week scan, I was completely unaware of what to expect. I even had additional follow-up scans because they couldn’t locate the liver. All the doctors cleared me and said everything looked good, but now I realize I was naïve and should have asked more questions. In hindsight, I would advise others to be curious—no question should feel too out of the ordinary.
Kash’s CDH Story
Kash acts like a baby who was never hospitalized for 2.5 months and was never on ECMO/intubated. We have a wonderful team and physician to thank as well as an amazing God who guided us throughout our entire journey. Kash has the devoted backing of family and friends “Kash’s Krew” who gave us unconditional love and support while being so far away from home!
Hazel’s CDH Story
Hazel was discharged without any medications, respiratory support, or other kinds of wires, just fortified breastmilk. She gained weight quickly and came off the fortified breastmilk at four months old. Hazel turned one this month and she is a very happy, healthy, and active baby.
Emma’s CDH Story
Since we had no idea about her diagnosis ahead of time, nothing was prearranged or planned. We were blessed with friends and a church family that helped us financially. We are thankful for our baby girl, Emma, and would do this crazy all over again for her. She is so full of life and truly one of the strongest girls I know!
Arden’s CDH Story
Despite CDH and all the other challenges she has faced, Arden brings joy wherever she goes. She is the HAPPIEST child. We are thankful for my cancer because, without it, she wouldn’t be here. Arden has changed my life, and I am forever grateful we get to grow old together.
Maximilian’s CDH Story
For the families who get this diagnosis, with the right team, strength, support, love, and belief in a positive outcome, you will emerge in a world that seems unimaginable at first. The outcome is so different from the beginning. It's a slow, brutal path in the starting weeks and months, but seeing this blessing in action now makes those days feel like a distant memory.
Luca’s CDH Story
Luca is a very happy boy who loves to laugh, smile, make noises, and babble/screech, especially at his brother and fur siblings. He loves to wave at everyone all day long, including himself. CDH can't stop Luca from always smiling and bringing smiles to everyone he meets!
Legacy’s CDH Story
I share these details to say that even under the direst circumstances, there is HOPE! Yes, there is pain, grief, and fear of loss, but there is always HOPE!
Charlotte’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
If I could talk to myself or someone else in my position during those dark few days shortly after diagnosis, I would tell her that there can be a happy story. You can find strength you did not know you possessed, and you can find support to get through the long days. Charlotte is still full of fire. I can't wait until she is older and I can share with her just how amazing she really is!
Trey’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia
Trey is absolutely thriving! He was able to wean from the oxygen completely in January after 4 months of being home. He is still 100% G-tube fed but is beginning to show more and more interest in purees and food. Trey truly had a story to tell, and it was our job to help him tell it. This is only the beginning.
Kenzleigh's Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
There were many bumps in our road, and she still needed half a liter to keep her stats up where they wanted them. We worked on feeds and had the NG tube removed because she was taking full feeds by mouth. At the end of January, we were completely off oxygen. She is now a happy, healthy 5-month-old baby girl!
Braxton’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
On February 27, 2021, Braxton was finally discharged from the hospital with the lowest setting oxygen and some feeding issues beating all odds New York had said about him. I cannot thank Dr. Kays and his team enough for saving my son and giving him the living chance he deserved!
Hayden’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
We still can't believe Hayden is doing as well as he is today. He has oxygen support at ¼ liter and does have a G-tube, but it seems pretty minor compared to what they were expecting for our little guy. He is both a miracle and a blessing, and we thank God every day that he proved everyone wrong.
Sophia’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
Sophia has been thriving at home ever since. She’s developing normally and growing like a weed. No one who meets her would ever know how rocky her start was!
Athena’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
This journey hasn't been easy, but you never know about things like this until it happens to you—all of the sleepless nights at the hospital, surgeries, all the waiting, the nerves. The list could go on and on. Every CDH journey is different but we are so alike in many ways.
Jack’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
Jack is almost 6. He has had a bumpy ride. While he is still facing challenges, he doesn't let them get in his way. He is my Tiny Hero.
Brynlee’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
I'm forever grateful to her surgical team and the NICU staff, as well as our community, who rallied around us with donations, support, and prayers. Today, Brynlee is off all of her medication, developmentally on track, and the joy of my heart.
Navy’s Story - Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia (CDH)
Today Navy is one year old. He's SO close to walking. He eats food of all kinds. He loves dancing, swimming in the pool and going to the beach. He gets a huge smile whenever he sees Mickey Mouse or his sister. He is his mommy's sweet cuddler and daddy's wild baby.