CDH: Community Defined by Hope

Five years ago, Tiny Hero began with the dream of helping CDH families find and afford quality care. We didn’t know the magnitude of what it would become, the immeasurable reach we would have, the connections we’d make, or the family we would find in our new online community.

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Today our Facebook community has 3,500 members, and our Instagram community just hit 1000. These numbers may sound small to some and huge to others, but they represent an exceptional group of people who were all brought together by a very devastating defect. This group of people took a horrible CDH diagnosis and turned it into an opportunity. An opportunity to reach out to others on their darkest days. To advocate. To educate. To embrace. To provide hope. Every day our CDH community comes together, welcomes new members, and teaches them that we are here even on the worst days when faced with the most challenges and the hardest decisions. You never have to ride this rollercoaster alone.

Every day our community strives to redefine impossible. We change the mindset that there is no hope for CDH. We define CDH not as Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia, but rather as a Community Defined by Hope. We prove these babies can survive, thrive, laugh, play, run, and be the most extraordinary kind of “ordinary” there is. They can be typical, regular, everyday kids, while doubling as Tiny Heroes, saving the lives of babies across the world with their stories of determination and strength.

Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia Banner

We are proud of our community and how every day, we allow good to come from the hard days. We allow others to learn from our experiences, and when it all gets to be too much, we cry, mourn, and pray together. Thank you for supporting our community, inspiring others, sharing your stories, and providing hope when needed the most.

We just reached a huge milestone of 1000 members on Instagram. Our reach is expanding, and our ability to help others is multiplying! You are the reason that CDH is no longer lethal! Thank you for being such a pivotal part of Tiny Hero and a big hero to so many newly diagnosed families!

To celebrate 1000 subscribers, we put together this collage out of 1000 Tiny Hero pictures!

Pictures of all member in community

Adam: Our CDH Baby and Survivor


These CDH Kids Aren't Survivors, They're Heroes