Pregnancy Pregnancy

CDH Equipment

Being in a hospital room loaded down with so many machines that it becomes nearly impossible to find the baby is a parent’s worst nightmare. Hospital equipment can be daunting, but knowing what each piece does helps make a stressful situation a more understanding situation.

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Breastfeeding your CDH Baby

Upon diagnosis, one of the first things mothers often ask is, “Will I be able to breastfeed?” This is such a tricky question to answer because there are so many factors to consider; however, it is important to know that just because your baby has CDH, it doesn’t automatically mean that nursing will not be an option.

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Pregnancy Pregnancy

What to Pack for CDH Delivery

If your delivery day is approaching for your CDH baby, you are probably wondering what to pack. For the most part, the hospital will likely provide everything you need. However, it is always nice to have some of your own personal items as well. As you begin to create your list, here are some items we’ve found helpful.

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Pregnancy Pregnancy

What to Pack for the Ronald McDonald House

The Ronald McDonald House is a wonderful charity that allows families to relocate near the hospital in times of need at little or no cost. You will find that the RMH is similar to a hotel and will already provide much of all you need. However, parents have found that bringing a few extra things allows for a more comfortable stay. Here are popular items of your own to bring!

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Pregnancy Pregnancy

How to Survive an Extended NICU Stay with a CDH Baby

We knew we would be looking at an extended NICU stay with our CDH baby. What we didn’t know is that we would spend 323 days in a hospital 623 miles away from our home. While this time was unexpected and quite possibly the hardest thing we’ve been through, we found ways each day to make the best of a tough situation.

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